Next, the DummyAnswer element. His job is to store ‘(request -> answer)’ associations and reply to the request with a given answer. Of course, if no answer matching the request is known by the element the request gets discarded. We use a Hashtable to store the requests and associated answers. Hashtable objects are easy to use, the interesting question is how to fill it, to do so I used handlers. Think of handlers as an interface to read or change something in an element that is being used by a click router instance. Handlers need to be exposed as you launch click, you may do so in two fashions:

  1. Add a special element in your click configuration file
  2. Launch click with options (unix socket or tcp port)

I chose the later with the network variant enabled with the flags -p 3333. The port number choice (3333) is totally arbitrary. The protocol used to communicate with handlers is well documented and a Java/GUI based program exists. In order to test things out you might not appreciate clicking away in a GUI but rather prefer executing a command, for this reason I made 2 scripts able to respectively read and write to a handler.

I chose a format to register a ‘(request -> answer)’ association: request_string|answer_string. This format is quite easy to deal with and to script.

Moving on to the header element’s class definition file:

read_callback(...) and write_callback(...) are arbitrary names you can name your handler methods as you wish. Also take note of the add_handlers() method.

Implementing handers is done in 3 steps:

  1. Define an ID for your handler (here it’s enum { H_MAP };)
  2. Implement your read and/or write methods
  3. Register your methods

At this point simple_action(...) mustn’t need much explanations, however watch out how you access the Hashtable. Indeed _msgs.get(s) simply return the matching element if there is one and a “NULL default element” if it’s not found. Another notation with slightly different semantics, the [] operator creates a new entry with “NULL default element” if nothing is found. Here “NULL default element” is an empty string because the type of our Hashmap is <String, String>, more on this in the documentation of HashMap.

Don’t mind too much the boiler plate code in write_callback(...) to split the string and ensure that lengths are compatible with our protocol Data field. However note that when instantiated the DummyAnswer element don’t come with pre-filed ‘(request -> answer)’ associations.

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